Curriculum Resources
Readings and Curriculum resources from the Effective Pedagogy rōpū

Passport to Numeracy
We have recently been working on a 'Passport to Numeracy' which is designed to help primary schools prepare their students for the new NCEA Numeracy assessment taken from Year 10.
The passport is a guide to the mathematical skills which students need. To accompany the passport, we have been working on some assessment materials so schools can find out where any gaps are in an individual's learning. This resource is ongoing and will be updated accordingly.

Level 2
Algebra Skills

Level 2
Measurement Skills

Level 2
Number skills

Level 3
Algebra Skills

Level 3
Measurement Skills

Level 3
Number Skills

Level 3
Position and Direction Skills

Level 3
Shape Skills

Level 3
Statistics and Probability Skills

Level 4
Algebra Skills

Level 4
Measurement Skills

Level 4
Number Skills

Level 4
Position and Direction Skills

Level 4
Shape Skills

Level 4
Statistics and Probability Skills

Level 5
Algebra Skills

Level 5
Measurement Skills

Level 5
Number SKills

Level 5
Position and Direction Skills

Level 5
Shape Skills

Reading for fun: Joel Hintz
Joel Hintz is a local here in CHB and is a professional rugby player for the Hawke’s Bay Magpies. He also played in the Major League Rugby over in the United States for the New England Free Jacks - the 2023 MLR champions!

Reading for fun: Frank Lochore
Frank Lochore is a professional rugby player, taking the field as a lock for the Hawke’s Bay Magpies. He is also a builder here in CHB and playing in the local Doug Harvey Colliers Prems rugby team.

Reading for Fun: JayDee
Reading out loud to your child/ren stimulates their imagination and expands their understanding and development of language. It is also a nice quiet one on one time with each other.
JayDee has enjoyed reading The Dragon Defenders series by James Russell. He says getting his parents to read to him is choice.
Maths Games for WhĀnau Booklet
CHBC Maths teacher and Across School Teacher, Sam Kordan, has created and generously shared a PDF booklet of fun games, including instructions and game boards, that you can print and play with your whānau.
Some of these games are featured in the videos Sam created with local students in the links below.
Link: A Booklet of maths games
Maths Games for Whānau
CHBC Maths teacher and Across School Teacher, Sam Kordan, is creating a series of short videos with fun maths games to help support our students maths knowledge and strategy skills.
Episode 1 Link - The Maths Game
Featuring The Terrace School CHB
Episode 2 Link - The Worm Race
Featuring Takapau School
Episode 3 Link - Target Game
Featuring Flemington School
Episode 4 Link - The Rainbow Race
Featuring Lakeview Kindergarten
Episode 5 Link - Wipeout
Featuring Ongaonga School
Episode 6 Link - Memory
Featuring Pukehou School
Episode 7 Link - Slides and Spiders
Featuring Argyll East School
NB: Video links can also be viewed in 'Whānau & Community' tab under 'Students' and 'Whānau' subtabs.
Upper Primary
Developing mental methods for
multiplication and division (levels 3-5)
held 6th June, 2023
Powerpoint & Resources from Sam Kordan
(Click on the title to access powerpoint link.)
Lower Primary
Developing mental methods for subtraction
up to 50 (Levels 1-2)
held 13th June, 2023
Powerpoint & Resources from Sam Kordan
(Click on the title to access powerpoint link.)
Curriculum Refresh
Photos and resources from Teacher only Day held on Monday 24th May 2023
Te Mātaiaho, the refreshed the New Zealand Curriculum (NZC). You can access an electronic copy of Te Mātaiaho | the draft curriculum framework at .
Dr Wayne Ngata: The NZ Curriculum Refresh - Dr Wayne Ngata on Vimeo
For anyone interested in giving feedback:
Te Mātaiaho | The Refreshed New Zealand Curriculum - Feedback Survey (
Te TĀkanga o Te Wā & Aotearoa New Zealand's Histories
TImes Tables Rock Stars
Times Tables Rock Stars is an online platform designed to help tamiriki with their times tables and division facts. It can be used in school and at home with options to practice individually or to compete against others.
Here is a video of a recent webinar explaining how to set up Times Tables Rock Stars - thank you to Rose and Holly for your contributions!
Times Tables Rock Stars Set Up Webinar-20230320_153548-Meeting Recording.mp4
If you have any questions about using Times Tables Rock Stars in your school then please contact Sam Kordan -
Upper Primary
Working with Decimals
held 14th March, 2023
Powerpoint & Resources from Sam Kordan
(Click on the title to access powerpoint link.)
PDF Resources:
Lower Primary
Mental calculation with addition
Term 1 Week 8 (Tuesday 21st March)
Powerpoint & Resources from Sam Kordan
(Click on the title to access powerpoint link.)
PDF Resources:
Upper Primary
Proportion Workshops held 8th and 9th August, 2022
Powerpoint & resources from Sam Kordan and Kayla de Lange
(Click on the title to access powerpoint link.)
PDF Resources: Double Number Line
Lower Primary (Yr1-4)
Place Value Workshops held 29th and 30th August, 2022
Powerpoint & resources from Sam Kordan and Kayla de Lange
(Click on the title to access powerpoint link.)
PDF Resources: PV Chart 10s PV Chart 100s. PV Chart 1000s PV Chart Decimals
Rolling for Dollars: Tens/Ones Hundreds/Tens/Ones
Science of Reading Explained
Presenter: Carolyn Strom, PHD
A webinar explaining the science of reading in the Early Years.
A great watch with visuals and resource ideas for anyone interested in learning more about how we learn to read in the early years (3-8 years).
You Tube Link
Upper Primary
Powerpoint from Sam Kordan and Kayla de Lange
Workshop held term 2, 2022
Click on the title to access the powerpoint presentation from the workshop.
PDF Resources: 10 Bar Model 5 bar Model Bar Model
Lower Primary
Powerpoint from Sam Kordan and Kayla de Lange
Workshop held term 2, 2022
Click on the title to access the powerpoint presentation from the workshop.
Aotearoa NZ Histories
A resource well worth checking out! Lots of information and resources created/collated to support the teaching/learning of Aotearoa NZ Histories. A box of these resources is available from the Ministry of Education, however the wait list is quite long at present.
If you would like to view the resources or know more, contact Bec Ellen.