Hauora / Wellbeing Resources
Readings and resources from the Hauora / Wellbeing rōpū for Kaiako

CHB Kohanga to Kura Transition Report.
Ruahine and Te Angiangi Kāhui Ako (CHB KA) have developed a resource that has been shared within the Kāhui Ako ECE services and kura/schools. This resource is to provide a vehicle for ECE services to share information with the local kaiako/teachers, kura/schools.
The shared information captured within te whakawhiti (transfer) te haerenga (journey) will capture information based around the key competencies and skills that a child is entering school with. The language is consistent with Te Whāriki and the New Zealand Curriculum.
The purpose is to assist in supporting the mahi CHB KA is undertaking around successful and valuable transitions for the children and their families and preparedness to learn.
In Class Support for Students
Social Workers in Schools (SWiS)
Blind and Low Vision